Enter Web Form Leads Here

Use the form below to send a new "chat" lead into our system. Please read the instructions carefully. Bookmark this page for quick access.


While chatting with a lead, we recommend you have the (a) chat script open so you may quickly copy and paste responses into Messenger, and (b) have Notepad/Textedit open in case you need to save some notes specific to the potential lead you are chatting with.


  1. Complete the form on the right with the information a completed chat lead has provided you. The phone number must be entered with the US country code like this... +1-XXX-XXX-XXXX.
  2. Only use this form to submit a valid lead. A valid lead has provided at least their first name, last name, a North American phone number, and answers the two drop down questions. Email address is not required, so do not press them if they do not have one.